If the heart is no longer able to pump enough blood into the circulation, this is called heart failure. The body is less well supplied with oxygen and nutrients – shortness of breath, tiredness and weakness are the first signs of the disease. Consistent implementation of therapeutic measures by the patient improves the general condition and prolongs life expectancy. TELBIOMED provides the decisive framework for perfect interdisciplinary cooperation between the practitioners.
Heart failure is a disease that is more prevalent with age. It is a common reason for hospital stays, and the costs of the illness are disproportionately high. There are numerous reasons for a high hospitalization rate, such as insufficient recompensation and therapy discontinuation in hospital, lack of discharge planning, poor medication and dietary adherence of patients, and lack of or inadequate follow-up care.
A healthy lifestyle, medication or, if necessary, surgery can alleviate the symptoms and delay the progression of the disease. A change in diet and exercise habits are like abstaining from alcohol and smoking and avoiding stress behaviours to significantly alleviate symptoms. Measures that are implemented by the patient on his or her own responsibility. The success of the therapy can be improved by direct, active involvement in the treatment management as well as systematic support of the doctors and nursing staff involved along the treatment path.
Care network for collaborative care of patients with heart failure at the Tirol Kliniken and the province of Tirol
Care network for collaborative care of patients with heart failure at Steiermärkische Krankenanstaltengesellschaft m.b.H. (KAGes) and Gesundheitsfonds Steiermark